Beethoven - Symphony no.9 | Warner 2564639272

Beethoven - Symphony no.9

Label: Warner

Cat No: 2564639272

Barcode: 0825646342728

Format: CD

Number of Discs: 1

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Waltraud Meier
René Pape
Burkhard Fritz
Angela Denoke
Chorus of the German State Opera Berlin
The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra


Daniel Barenboim


Waltraud Meier
René Pape
Burkhard Fritz
Angela Denoke
Chorus of the German State Opera Berlin
The West-Eastern Divan Orchestra


Daniel Barenboim


• Recorded live in concert at the Philharmonie in Berlin – by the invitation of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and in the presence of the German chancellor Mr Angela Merkel.

•The current war in Israel & Lebanon, meant this project was fraught with logistical difficulties, especially with regard to the Lebanese members of the orchestra who found it difficult to leave the country. This recording serves as a painful reminder of the need for peaceful co-existence between all people, and as an example of how that can be achieved.

•The programme of this recording is Beethoven Symphony No.9 which includes the famous Friedrich Schiller “Ode an die Freude” set to music in the last movement, in which the brotherhood of man is discussed could not be more appropriately presented than by this orchestra as a kind of synonym or symbol for peace. “O friends! Not these sounds! But let us strike up more pleasant sounds and more joyful!”…“Embrace each other now, you millions!”

• In addition Daniel Barenboim has initiated an unique website for This will be updated with daily comments from Barenboim, and contains a full history of the orchestra and their achievements.

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